Affluent and manicured, West Mountain is a huge area, on the West Plateau of “ The Mountain”. The North Edge, closest to the Escarpment is just lovely. Huge lots, home stock from the 50’s and 60’s, with rock-solid construction abounds. If you got the money, you can perch right on the Escarpment, on Scenic Drive, and enjoy the city below.
Travelling Southbound, the homes become newer. Amenities are not plentiful in this neighbourhood, the closest shopping is either Limeridge Mall or The Meadowlands, but you do get peace and quiet.
The West Mountain neighbourhood has a high standard of living and impressive income per household. You can decipher that just driving around and checking out the landscaping. Although kind of tucked in, the neighbourhood is well connected to transportation, seconds to the #403, the Linc to take you Eastbound and Queen Street Access to go downtown.
Real estate here is spectacular! 1950’s wide, broad bungalows on well over 40 feet of frontage, 1970’s side splits on huge lots, followed by Stone Church area developments of 1980’s and further South, in Garth Trails, new, massive family homes.
Townhomes are few, mostly off Garth Street and on West 5th and Stone Church. Student housing is a solid investment in the proximity of Mohawk College, home to 30,000 students.